Join us for an 8-week group that will help you learn to cope with death in a pandemic.
We will understand the journey that we all share when we lose someone close to us.
We will learn about the bereavement process and have an opportunity to share how the
impact of the pandemic has affected our experiences.
Dates & Times:
January 27—March 17, 2022
1:00 PM—3:00 PM
Location: VIRTUAL!
Details for the video link will be provided before the start of the group.
Who should attend? To participate in this group, we ask that you are over 16 and have experienced the loss of a loved one in the past two years. You must have access to the internet and a private space to promote confidentiality. We hope that participants will be available for every meeting.
If you are interested in this group or would like more information,
please contact YSSN, Krasman Centre or ASCO:
Session Facilitators:
Pat Shelenko, YSSN – contact@yssn.ca
Cathy Marengeur, Krasman Centre – info@krasmancentre.com
Raquel Da Silva-De Angelis, ASCO – info@asyr.ca
York Support Services Network (YSSN) offers a range of developmental services and mental health programs throughout York Region and South Simcoe. Please visit yssn.ca for more information.
Krasman Centre is a community-based mental health and addictions agency specializing in
Peer Support-based programs. The agency was incorporated as a “Consumer/Survivor Initiative”
in 1998. https://krasmancentre.com/what-we-do/
ASCO is a not-for-profit, charitable organization that provides programs and services for individuals and communities affected by substance use and/or problem gambling. Please visit our website https://helpwithaddictions.ca/en/ for more information.