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Event Series Creations & Collaborations

Creations & Collaborations

The "Creations & Collaborations" virtual group seeks to provide a space to connect, share and discuss your designs/ creations with other members of the community. We welcome any form of art that can include (but is not limited to) poetry, paintings, photographs, personal short stories, vision boards, sculptures, arts & […]

Event Series The Meeting Spot

The Meeting Spot

Have you lost all social and emotional connections to others due to health issues or challenges? Has the pandemic made you feel isolated? You are not alone. The Meeting SpotĀ is a peer-led virtual support group for individuals touched by mental health and/or addiction challenges. Here, we strive to maintain a […]

Event Series Storytelling Workshop

Storytelling Workshop

Join Peer Supporters Sean O'Keeffe and Randee Korman on Zoom for a workshop series focused on the power of sharing your personal story to open a space for others to see themselves in a different light. This interactive workshop will highlight stories of our peers in the gay community and […]