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5 Ways to Tackle Isolation and Loneliness

1) Start your day with Gratitude – As you begin your day, one powerful way to shift your mindset is by asking yourself what you are thankful for. Don’t just think about it – stay it out loud! Expressing gratitude to yourself even if it’s a small thing can set a good tone for your day. I am grateful I have a roof over my head. I am grateful today because I have a muffin to enjoy with a cup of coffee.

2) Unplug and Take Breaks – In this digital age where information and entertainment are so accessible, it’s hard not to be ‘plugged in’. A great way to tune in to our feelings and emotions is by turning off electronic devices (phones, tablets, tv) and taking breaks. Take the time to spend time with loved ones, or engaging in quiet activities you enjoy – reading, journaling, word search puzzles, or playing with your pet!  

3) Wellness Toolbox: Take care of your physical and mental wellbeing by diving into your wellness toolbox to find ways to boost your self-esteem. Exercising, listening to music, expressing your feelings creatively through painting, knitting, or colouring are all good ways to re-charge and build confidence.

4) Stay Connected – One great way to combat loneliness is to stay connected with others by socializing with a friend, neighbour, or joining a support group where you are seen, heard, and valued by people who share similar experiences. Social connectedness has been shown to positively affect our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

5) Practice Mindfulness – Everything starts and ends with a breath. Mindfulness focuses on the present moment without judgement. Try a breathing exercise – for beginners, try closing your eyes in a quiet place and listening to your breath and the sensations of your body. Practice listening mindfully when someone is speaking to really engage with the person you are with. All too often we listen to what others say without being fully present.